“未来村落”——2016 安龙可持续发展与设计国际夏令营发布安龙共识
7月17日,未来村落——2016安龙可持续发展与设计国际夏令营圆满落幕。闭营仪式上,亚洲城市与建筑联盟秘书长姚领先生代表夏令营全体设计师发出《安龙共识—中国乡村建设与发展倡议书》,从不同层面和角度提出了乡村建设与发展需要重点关注的问题及解决的思路。A Proposal for Rural Revitalization and Development in China未来村落——2016安龙可持续发展与设计国际夏令营形成如下:Future Village - 2016 Anlong International Summer Workshop on Sustainable Development & Design hereby forms the following consensus:1. We support villager-centered rural revitalization. We oppose a designer-centered process.2. We support balanced and sustainable development of the environmental, societal, economic, and cultural aspects of villages. We oppose seeking instant profit.3. We support cultural reconstruction of villages and promoting cultural confidence. We oppose discrimination of village culture.四、主张建立乡村与城市和谐共生的产业与环境生态体系;4. We support establishing a harmonious and symbiotic system of rural-urban economic and environmental development. We oppose isolating rural development.5. We respect the regional character of rural environments. We oppose simplistic duplication of the urban model of development.6. We support adequate treatment of the relationship between development and preservation. We oppose rigidity in following tradition.七、优先开展基础设施和公共服务设施的建设,注重生活品质提升;7. We support prioritizing construction of infrastructure and public service facilities,emphasizing improvements in quality of life. We oppose “facelift projects”.八、主张探索多样性的乡村发展模式和多元化的乡村建设途径;8. We support exploring diverse rural development models and multiple approaches in rural revitalization. We oppose monotony in development.